Monthly Archives: March 2015

Check out the tips!

I’ve just added a ‘Logstash Tips’ menu section which will appear at the top of the page.  The tips don’t appear in the regular blog article area.  This section will replace pastebin as a repository for reusable tips.

I will be converting more logstash tips over to this section, and will also add sections for Elasticsearch, python, and grok{} patterns.

Using conditionals in your filter{} blocks

Wrapping your filter logic in conditional expressions can be very important.

If your configuration is split up into many files, logstash will combine and run all of the stanzas.  Also, using conditionals to limit the amount of processing performed will make this step faster.

To tell if an event contains a given tag:

if "value" in [tags] {

For string fields:

if [FIELD] =~ /.+/ {
     # exists
if [FIELD] !~ /.+/ {
     # doesn't exist

For numeric fields:

if [FIELD] {
     # exists

Processing common event information with grok{}

If you’re lucky, most of your log messages in a given input will arrive in a standard format, typically with a set of common fields at the front (date, time, server, etc).

Rather than multiple grok{} patterns that are looking across the entire message, like these:

grok {
    match => ["message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslogtime} %{HOSTNAME:sysloghost} Save this %{WORD:word1}"]
    tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_match1"]

grok {
    match => ["message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslogtime} %{HOSTNAME:sysloghost} Save this other %{WORD:word2}"]
    tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_match2"]

I like to split off the common stuff:

grok {
    match => ["message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslogtime} %{HOSTNAME:sysloghost} %{GREEDYDATA:message}"]
    overwrite => [ "message" ]
    tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_syslog"]

Note that the last pattern puts the results into the field “message”.  Since that field already exists, we have to use the “overwrite” setting to update it.

Then use smaller patterns against this smaller “message” for your application specific info:

grok {
    match => ["message", "Save this %{WORD:word1}"]
    tag_on_failure => ["_grokparsefailure_match1"]

This is easier to read, and the later grok{}s will be running smaller regexps
against smaller input, which should be faster.

Handling exceptions in the ruby{} filter

If you need to drop into ruby for your processing, be sure to handle any exceptions.  If you don’t, the filter worker will exit, possibly halting your processing.

The following code will allow the worker to continue, and will add a field to the event so you can track them down later:

    ruby {
        code => "
            # your great code goes here
          rescue Exception => e
            event['ruby_exception'] = 'YOUR_FILTER_NAME: ' + e.message


I add a panel for this field to my cluster health dashboard in kibana.

Casting variables in the ruby{} filter

Note that the mutate{} filter contains a convert{} operation, which is very useful.

If you find yourself in ruby for another purpose, you might want to cast the variables while your there.  Here are some examples:

      ruby {
        code => "
            event['foo'] = event['foo'].to_f
            event['bar'] = event['bar'].to_i
          rescue Exception;
            event['ruby_exception'] = 'cast'

Combining lines with the multiline{} filter

The multiline filter is designed to combine messages that span lines into a single event that can be easily processed with other logstash filters.  Systems that throw large exceptions (e.g. Java) are the standard use-case for this filter.

At the most basic, you need to provide three pieces of information to the filter:

  • ‘pattern’: the regular expression that signals the start of a new event.
  • ‘what’: the action to take with a line that does or doesn’t match the pattern.
  • ‘negate’: how the does/doesn’t for ‘what’ is decided.

When ‘negate’ is set to true, read it as “when my PATTERN doesn’t match, do WHAT”; when false, read it as “when my PATTERN does match, do WHAT”.

In this example, ‘negate’ is true, so we read it as “when my timestamp pattern doesn’t match, keep the line with the previous entry”:

filter {
    multiline {
      negate => 'true'
      pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} "
      what => 'previous'

This filter should be used first, so that other filters will see the single event.

Until a new line matches the pattern, logstash is expecting more lines to join, so it won’t release the combined event.  There is an enable_flush option, but it should not be used in production.  In logstash version 1.5, the flush will be “production ready”.

When using multiline, you cannot use multiple filter workers, as each worker would be reading a different line.  If you attempt this configuration, logstash will not start.

If your application writes log entries in a way where they can overlap with each other, the basic filter can’t help you.  However, if your system prints a common string in each message (a UUID, etc), you can use that to combine messages.  See the ‘stream_identity’ option.

You should also consider using the multiline{} codec, so that messages are combined in the input{} phase.  Note that the codec doesn’t offer the ‘stream_identity’ option.


Changing @timestamp with the date{} filter